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Offline Call Reporting

How to order and report on offline phone numbers

Alexandra Favager avatar
Written by Alexandra Favager
Updated over a week ago

Static Call tracking is included in all plans in Ruler Analytics. You can obtain any number type to advertise on your offline advertisements. 

Where Should I use Offline Call Tracking?

Offline Call tracking should be used in places where you would not gain reporting visibility on inbound call leads. I.e anywhere your Dynamic Call tracking (on site) is not present. 

For example

  • Google My Business Listings

  • Click to Call Ads

  • Facebook Advertising

  • Email Campaigns

  • Print Advertisement

How do I order Offline Numbers?

Please contact your account manager directly or feel free to pop up on your live chat bubble in your Ruler Dashboard and a member of the team will be more than happy to help. 

How Can I view the available Offline Numbers i have on my Account?

You can keep track of all your Offline Numbers in your Ruler Dashboard via the Settings > Set up Call tracking. 

This will give you a list of all your active and available Offline Numbers and their associated label.

How do I report specifically on Calls to my Offline Numbers within the Ruler Dashboard?

Each Offline Number will be given a Label that you specify to allow you to filter in Reporting. Such as Click to Call Google Ads. 

Using the quick filter box in your dashboard you can search for the label associated to an Offline Number, to bring up the report for those calls.

All call reports can be exported from your dashboard.

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